
09/06/03 - Alex Coltman, ?km from Mere

Flying Planet Whisper
duration 1:30
TO Mere ST 811 344
TP Southern Melksham ST 906 606
LZ Near Wraxall ST 838 648

I've never known Mere work so well. Arrived late to find three pilots wondering whether it was too windy. I thought not, rigged took off straight into a big thermal and straight to base. Not a single soaring beat!

Base around 3800ft but good drift. Nothing from Warminster and nothing from Westbury saw me low behind the cement works. Thermal finally kicked off from a dark field behind the cement works and again to base. In trouble now as coming up to Lyneham airspace. Base was now at 4000 but the airspace was up to 3500 aal. I was stuffed!

Tried to push cross wind towards Colerne but with that much wind it was never really going to work. Landed happy but cursing airspace and low base as cloud streets headed of towards Stroud.

Cheers Alex