A concession for un-powered HG and un-powered PG has been agreed that allows us to transit through R105, a restricted flying zone based on Highgrove House, located south of Tetbury in the Cotswolds. The exclusion zone has a radius of 1.5nn and extends from ground level to 2000ft AMSL. This would render flights from Frocester, Selsley and Leckhampton (and other sites) more difficult for HG and PG.
Highgrove House Prohibited Area
A concession for un-powered HG and un-powered PG has been agreed that allows us to transit through R105, a restricted flying zone based on Highgrove House, located south of Tetbury in the Cotswolds. The exclusion zone has a radius of 1.5nn and extends from ground level to 2000ft AMSL. Until September 10th 2018 this restriction only affected helicopters, but now extends to all aircraft types, and this would render flights from Frocester, Selsley and Leckhampton (and other sites) more difficult for HG and PG.
For the purposes of this LOA the subject area is named the Highgrove House Prohibited Area (HHPA) and is defined as a circle, of radius 600m, centred on 51°37.24N 002°10.48W, as shown above and below, extending from the surface to a height of 500ft above ground level (860 ft AMSL). Note that the HHPA is wholly contained within R105 but has a slightly different centre to R105, in order that it covers the complete Highgrove estate. When transiting through R105 the (much smaller) HHPA zone remains a complete exclusion zone for unpowered HG and PG.
RHPG agrees to grant a standing approval for unpowered PG and HG conducting cross country flights to transit R105 while remaining clear of the Highgrove House Prohibited Area. It is understood that pilots will need to circle when thermalling and to search for lift, but pilots are not to linger within the restricted airspace and are to clear the airspace as soon as possible. Pilots who are unable to maintain altitude are to respect the Highgrove House Prohibited Area when selecting and approaching landing fields i.e. keep out of the estate and close surrounding fields.