The Avon HG & PG Club has developed very good relations with Bristol Airport Air Traffic Control (ATC) who are keen to allow us fair and flexible use of their airspace whenever possible. We have two agreements with them, covering use of the so-called "Bath Gap", and Ubley, situated on the northern side of the Mendip Hills only 5 miles from Bristol Airport and within Bristol Airport's CTZ. The Avon Club regards Ubley as a closed site, since the club has been unable to negotiate permission from the landowner to launch there. However, if you make an individual decision to use the launch, you will need to obtain permission from Bristol ATC to fly.
Ubley and Halesland A
The site is in the middle of the tightly shaded area (the Ubley Glider Block) in the map above, which is within Bristol Airport's CTR (surface to FL105). Pilots cannot fly here without permission.
The Ubley Glider Block (UGB) is a triangular chunk of airspace from the surface to 2,500' that can be activated to fly in from 1000-1900hrs.
On XC days a block from 2,500'- 4,000' can be requested to be opened in 2 hour slots (N.B. 30 min warning required).
Halesland Block A (HBA) must also be activated if you’re planning to go XC from Ubley - this raises the base in this part of the CTA from 3000' to 4000'
Having arrived at Ubley and decided that conditions are suitable for flying:
Make your request on the SW Airspace Notifications Telegram Group giving details of whether it's just the 2,500' UGB you want open, or 4,000' + HBA, and start/finish times.
Activation will be confirmed on the SW Airspace Notifications Telegram Group by an Avon Airspace Rep
3. If you need to extend the two hour 4,000’ UGB slot make your request on the SW Airspace Notifications Telegram Group.
Once flying has ceased announce this on the SW Airspace Notifications Telegram Group.