Mere Spencer's Bowl
Site Map
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Wind directions:
Site News
Avon members only
Site Officer:
Simon Twiss
MID WEEK ONLY! We have no permission to fly at weekends/bank holidays when the site is busy with model flyers. Only fly for the purpose of launching for XC flights. Restricted to hours 11am - 5.30pm
Lat, Long:
51.113945 N 2.284237 W
Launch height (ft)
Grid ref:
ST 802 350
Height TTB (ft)
Take off
Anywhere in the bowl but away from model fliers, if present. Make contact with any model fliers before launching and agree on how the airspace is to be shared. Although we have priority during weekdays, it is in our best interest to share when safety of conditions permit.
Local Flying
It is imperative that you check the true wind direction. If the wind is north of SW, the spur to the right of take-off creates severe turbulence. Remember that this is a new site so treat it with respect and share your experience of flying it with other pilots and the club committee.
XC Flying
Although there are various bits of airspace to avoid, there is the potential for 100km+ flights. First be sure to go North of the Longleat Lion Park and then again North of the Salisbury Plain Danger Area.
Top Landing
The top landing area is very large and clear of any obstructions. Model fliers usually land to the right of the 'hump' so it is best to land to its left.
Bottom Landing
The bowl is fairly steep but experienced pilots will have no difficulty in slope landing if going down. The middle area at the bottom of the bowl has sufficient space for the safe landing of paragliders but not hang gliders. There is no permission to land in the large fields beyond the hedge.
Additional Info