We use Telegram for real-time communications about airspace, XC planning, site reports, retrieves and so on. You'll find installing this app on your phone (and PC) invaluable.
Due to a number of trouble-making non-flyers joining our groups via publicly available invite URLs, we've had to change the procedure for joining our Telegram groups. Once you have installed Telegram, please join our vetting group by clicking this link and stating which groups you would like to join. Once we have verified that you are who you say you are, you'll be given links to join the various groups.
Avon Site Reports - Strictly for site reports, or asking about conditions on a hill (N.B. Thames Valley have a similar group for their sites).
Avon Planning - Avon Members Only group for planning upcoming XC days.
Avon Chat - Avon Members Only flying-related chat.
Club Events Channel - A read-only Group for clubs in the south of the UK to notify events.
SW XC group - A group to plan upcoming XC days, and to also help with retrieves.
SW Airspace - A group for local airspace announcements - eg. Bath Gap, Ubley/Halesland, Westbury, Keevil. Essential for XC pilots who fly in the SW.
SW Retrieve Group - The one stop shop for retrieves in the SW of England, S Wales, and Central Southern England.